§ 76-6-506.2. Financial transaction card offenses -- Unlawful use of card -- False application for card.  

Latest version.
  •      It is unlawful for any person to:
    (1) knowingly use a false, fictitious, altered, counterfeit, revoked, expired, stolen, or fraudulently obtained financial transaction card to obtain or attempt to obtain credit, goods, property, or services;
    (2) knowingly, with the intent to defraud, use a financial transaction card, credit number, personal identification code, or any other information contained on the card or in the account from which the card is issued, to obtain or attempt to obtain credit, goods, or services;
    (3) knowingly, with the intent to defraud, use a financial transaction card to willfully exceed an authorized credit line by $500 or more, or by 50% or more of the line of credit, whichever is greater;
    (a) knowingly, with the intent to defraud, make application for a financial transaction card to an issuer and make or cause to be made a false statement or report of the person's name, occupation, financial condition, assets, or personal identifying information; or
    (b) willfully and substantially undervalue or understate any indebtedness for the purposes of influencing the issuer to issue the financial transaction card; or
    (5) knowingly, with the intent to defraud, present or cause to be presented to the issuer or an authorized credit card merchant, for payment or collection, any credit card sales draft, if:
    (a) the draft is counterfeit or fictitious;
    (b) the purported sales evidenced by any credit card sales draft did not take place;
    (c) the purported sale was not authorized by the card holder; or
    (d) the items or services purported to be sold as evidenced by the credit card sales drafts are not delivered or rendered to the card holder or person intended to receive them.
Amended by Chapter 166, 2009 General Session